Monday 5 January 2009

Wasting Money On Games

You know what its like, you see a game on sale or you pick up the game you pre-ordered 5 months before and then put them on your shelf to play at another time. As time passes you think I will play that in a while, yet a few months pass and it is still sat there on your shelf, and your left wondering why you have bought the game if you can't be arsed playing it.

I think this happens to quite a few people, myself included as I browse my shelves and see unopened games I really can't be arsed bringing myself to play. Only the other day I bought the PS2 game Odin Sphere because it was on sale and I may play it one day, but then again I probably won't and it will just sit on my shelf collecting dust.

I really am quite terrible for doing this, I walk into the store for one thing and end up coming out with about 5 and thinking to myself "Shit I needed that money for food". I just can't seem to resist buying games just so I add to my collection. Worst still is when I have bought brand new full price games, as those things aren't exactly cheap. Then there are the times I decided to import a game of plump for the special limited edition with the bonus dvd I will never watch.

It is scary to think how much money I have spent on games just to have them never getting played, or playing one or two of them for less than an hour and putting them on my shelf to never play again. I could trade them in but I wouldn't get anything for most of them, since you lose so much on trades. (Yet shops like Game sell them second hand at double or triple the price they give you)

It's not just games either, I have a Wii that last got touched about 4 or 5 months ago when I bought a new game for it. It is now just sat there unplugged annoying me saying "Wow you bought me and all these games for nothing" and it's true I have spent about 50 hours playing on the Wii since I bought it just after launch. The worst thing is the game I have played most on it is Wii Sports, so why the heck did I buy the other games for it when I knew I wouldn't play them.

Here are just a few of the games sat on my shelf still sealed.....

  • Fallout 3 (360)
  • Condemned 2 (360)
  • Tiger Woods 09 (360)
  • Madden 09 (360)
  • Eternal Sonata (360)
  • Devil May Cry 4 (360)
  • Project Silpheed (360)
  • Need For Speed: Undercover (360)
  • Opoona (Wii)
  • Final Fantasy 4 (GBA & DS)
  • Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (DS)
  • Freekstyle (Gamecube)
  • Baiten Kaitos (Gamecube)
  • Tales of Symphonia (Gamecube)
  • Soul Calibur 2 (Xbox & Gamecube)
  • Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter (PS2)
  • Odin Sphere (PS2)
....and the list goes on with games on multiple systems, never mind the games I played for an hour or less.

The real crime in all this is I have fantastic games like the ones listed above, and yet I am playing crap like Jumper, My Horse and Me 2, Space Chimps and many other crap games that I shouldn't even think about playing. I guess it's time I took a step back and looked at what I am doing as a gamer, maybe it is time I started playing some of these games before buying any new ones. At least if I play a few of them it would not seem like a complete waste of money as it does now.


  1. For shame! I'd never do something like that...

    Okay, so I bought 4 games over the weekend and have about 25 sitting sealed on the shelf and probably won't play any of them because I have a game rental pass I feel I need to use.

  2. Well, I am always open for donations ^_^ Lemme take some of that um.. junk(?).. off of your hands eh?

