Thursday 8 January 2009

Second Day At Work

Well I started a new job yesterday, so today was my second day at work. I have to say it's pretty cool, with my first day being pretty easy. While the office is pretty busy I just got asked to do something then left alone until I had finished, no asking if I was nearly done or any pressure at all. As far as first days go it wsa pretty sweet, especially when I found out we don't have filters on the computers, so I can browse what I want to and search for things on the net (Cat Porn) when I am waiting for my next job. I wasn't even looking at the clock to see when it was home time, as a result I ended up staying an extra 20 minutes until I got asked why i hadn't gone home yet.

So with my first day done and left feeling happy at what a cushy job I had the day before, I went to work for my second day. It turns out that word has got around that I can help out with other bits and bats on the pc, so I am now getting asked to do other stuff like spreadsheets, registers and reproducing booklets that they have lost the computer file for. This is all after what I know I have to do in the mornings like making sure all the work placements have turned up and marking them off on the register before phoning through to another department to tell them who isn't in.

The sad thing about it all is it's great, as every little job I am asked to do only takes me a short amount of time. Since half the people aren't really great with computers they think everything is a big job, when really half the time it's pretty simple. As a result I get to say sure I will have it all done in about an hour, then just get it all done in 10 minutes or so and do something else. (Taking my DS in to pass the time on Friday to save sitting there all the time)

Since I have shown an ability to work with a few different things on the computer, my name has been put forward to go and help out with the learn direct group in the other building. If I can get on there helping out from time to time, it would be great for my resume. I may not know a lot of things, but I know a few bits of things here and there so I should be able to bullshit my way through it. I think it is just mainly working with beginners though teaching them how to use Microsoft Office and Excel. (I have used Excel for 2 days and it seems piss easy)

The only bad things are I keep getting told to take a break, even though I am already doing sod all and trying to browse the net in peace. There is only three women I would sleep with that work in the offices where I am, and last of all there is no decent graphic software for editing so everything looks crap. Which ended up with me uploading an image to my photobucket so I could fix it at home for a project I have been working on today

September 2007 to December 2008 life pretty much sucked balls for me, thank fuck 2009 seems to be better. I know this entry was pretty shitty but meh, expect me to get back to moaning how the women in the office refuse to sleep with me, or posting something game related soon. Heck I might even throw up a picture of me looking like a spaz at work.

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