Saturday 31 January 2009

Hulk Vs Wolverine/Thor

I am a sucker for the odd anime/cartoon film, and as I have a young son I get to use him as an excuse to watch cartoons and anime whenever I want. So when I got the chance to watch the new Hulk Vs DVD earlier today with him I jumped at the chance.

I don't mind the Hulk but he has never been one of my real favourite characters of the Marvel Universe. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against the big green/grey/red guy but I always preferred watching the Spider-man cartoons over the Hulk. Then when it came to reading material I would pick the Silver Surfer and Thor over and other comic.

We decided that we would watch the Hulk Vs Thor cartoon first of all, and I have to say I was a bit disappointed in it overall. The story is ok at best but just felt really underwhelming over all. What could have been a great story of two of Marvels strongest characters just felt like a let down, with a bit of a crap story. It does entertain in parts, but it isn't something that I would recommend to watch unless the alternative is an episode of American Idol or Big Brother. (It really is quite a big let down)

How great it is that Hulk Vs Wolverine is a polar opposite to Hulk Vs Thor. It has a pretty cool story which will keep you entertained, and also has a few surprise guests appearing that are a major part of the storyline. The story also covers some of the origins of one of the titular characters. The real star of the show for me has to be neither the Hulk or Wolverine though, it is someone else that I felt stole the show with some funny one liners and light hearted moments.

I would have to say the Wolverine story is a lot more graphic than the child friendly Thor one, but that should really come of no surprise as Wolverine has claws after all. The big question is though is the DVD worth buying when each story only lasts 45minutes or so? I would have to say no unless the price is right, so if your going to pick it up get it while it is on sale, if not rent it or talk a buddy into buying it and steal it from them.

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