Sunday 8 February 2009

Daft Bitch Buys Bioshock

Games have ratings for a reason, the main reason is to stop kids playing games that are unsuitable for them by having a clear certificate on them to warn parents. I use these age ratings to help me decide what my son can and can't play, as do quite a lot of other parents that care about their childs well being.

One thing that really annoys me is people that don't pay any attention to the ratings and think every game is suitable, after all they are only games so can't feature anything unsuitable. These same people wouldn't let their kids watch the latest block buster film that has a mature or 18 certificate, yet they treat games so differently.

I have always played the majority of games that are classed as unsuitable for my son, and then decide if they are something that I wouldn't mind him playing or not. I think I have done a pretty good job as he has grown up as a person and as a gamer, steering him towards fun games while allowing him to play the odd game that is considered unsuitable for him that I think is ok. Games such as Soul Calibur 4 (Rated 12) WWE Smackdown Vs Raw (Rated 15) Kameo (Rated 12) and Eragon (Rated 12)among some of them. There is a lot worse things that can be seen on TV prewatershed than in any of those games, however I draw the line at letting him play Gears of War or anything similar to that.

On Friday my son turned 12 and is growing up pretty fast and loves gaming, so it was hardly a surprise that his mum decided to get him a 360 game for his birthday. It is just a shame that she is a daft bitch that either doesn't have a clue or give a shit as she bought him Bioshock.

For those that don't know Bioshock is a First Person Shooter that features moments of horror and a twisted plot. The game is rated as unsuitable for anyone under the age of 18 for a reason, and it has really wound me up that the thick bitch has just bought and given him the game. It clearly shows that she doesn't actually give a shit about his mental well being. The great thing is he had been hoping to get Naruto: The Broken Bond for his birthday, (a game that is rated 12 and is considered suitable for him) and a game he enjoyed playing when I rented it for him a few weeks back.

It isn't the first time she has done stuff like this and unfortunately it won't be the last, I have said before that some people should not be allowed to have kids. It is such a shame that I ended up having a kid with one of the people that shouldn't be allowed to. As a result I have just spoken with his gran who is going to take the game off him until he comes down next week, where I will trade it in for a more suitable game for him and end up paying the extra money all because of one daft bitch not having a brain and looking at the box.

1 comment:

  1. Let's say the big Daddy's drill going through the hand and chest in the intro was an oversight, and it might not have occurred to her that the chilling atmosphere and disturbing imagery laden with adult themes might necessitate extensive psychotherapy in the boy's future, but didn't it occur to her, at least, that the complex themes and intricate storyline might be a bit beyond the maturity level of the young boy? Or maybe she doesn't understand that a video game can contain such sophisticated devices...
