Tuesday 1 November 2011

Impressions: Pixel Junk SideScroller

I like Pixel Junk they make some amazing games with a retro style, yet these games have a lot more hidden underneath that make them a joy to play. I was going to dismiss SideScroller as it really didn't look that good to me to be honest, and if it wasn't for the fact that one of my buddies bought it and I downloaded it from his account I wouldn't have played it.

If I am honest I have to say that SideScroller is a bit of a let down, sure it's a solid enough game in it's own way. It just feels a bit of a let down though when Pixel Junk released a game as good as Pixel Junk Shooter 2 only a short time ago, then from that they release this? Yes I know they are both different styles of games but still it just feels a bit underwhelming.

That's not to say that SideScroller doesn't have some nice touches, the enemies are all pretty recognisable if you have ever played either of the Shooter games. The colours are all bright and do make the game a pleasure to play along with some nice effects. I just feel the game is just all a bit to 1980's, sure you have the choice of 3 different weapons to use (Machine gun, Laser or Bombs) as well as a spin attack that you have to charge up to use. I just can't help but feel I have played the game before with different graphics back in the day.

Maybe my opinion will change over time and I may end up liking the game with a bit more time (although I doubt it) This game just feels like it is missing the usual Pixel Junk touches that make each of their games so enjoyable to play. I would recommend maybe giving this game a miss unless you like 2d old school shmups (even then prepared to be a bit disappointed) so far that reason I would have to give Pixel Junk's SideScroller a

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