Thursday 3 November 2011

Failed Impressions: DC Universe Online Free To Play

DC Universe Online has now gone free to play (free to play could also read: DC Universe Online's attempt to get more people playing it?) on the PS3. So when I got in from work last night I decided to download the game and give it a go. I have to admit I was shocked that it was only 125mb, then after that installed I got a message saying there was an update which once again was 125mb. What then followed was a nice screen with some of the DC characters on it and a long ass bar that said over 14gig of game data needed to be downloaded.

Needless to say I never got chance to play it at all last night as it took forever to download (even worse is the fact that I have to go through the whole thing again tonight to put the game on my son's PS3) So basically I left my system on over night then woke up this morning to be asked which world I wanted to join. (PvE or PvP) I picked PvE as at 6am I couldn't really give a crap, this was then followed by a storyline video and about 10 minutes of rushing through the character creation system so I could get at least sometime trying the game. (I picked to play as a villain I don't know why but it always seems to be the path I choose when given the option)

Graphically the game doesn't look to bad and the initial controls seem to be solid enough to start with, so basically in-between getting showered, dressed and ready for work I managed to squeeze in a measly 10 minutes of game-play. This saw me beat up a few guards and a bigger type of defence droid, I have to say the game does seem like it will be pretty good and I think I will enjoy it. I just can't really say if it's worth sticking with the free to play version or upgrading to the pay monthly one. If you can be bothered downloading over 14gig of data and not being able to use your PS3 for the day then I would recommend giving it a try. (although it is boring just watching the download bar move ever so slowly along)

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