Wednesday 16 November 2011

Impressions: Dungeon Siege 3

Dungeon Siege 3 is quite an enjoyable (but short) game overall, and reminded me of some of the old school RPG's that I used to play on the PC back in the day. (Balders Gate, NeverwinterKnights, Nox) I did find the game a bit lacking though, this could have been due to the lack of side quests but I think it has more to do with the games world not actually feeling that big, and apart from the odd deviation to do the odd side quest or two it really is rather linear with no real replay value. This is especially shocking when you consider the game also has online multi-player (Good luck finding someone playing the game these days though, as the only people I saw online were 2 people that kept joining then quitting back out of the game after 2 minutes)

Actually thinking about it Dungeon Siege 3 really wasn't worth the price I paid for it, but with the game now being resigned to selling for around £10 it is worth a look at. (If only to waste away a few hours) Dungeon Siege 3 is your bog standard old school RPG, with average graphics and sound. The control system that will see you walk through the game without hardly ever using the block button, as when you need to use it enemies use magic that just passes right through your defences.

One other gripe I had with the game is that you can easily end up getting killed as one enemy will hit you and your energy will just disappear yet other times the same enemy can hit you and it just knocks a little segment off your health bar. I also didn't like how you couldn't compare items in the shop with items you already owned, which meant on occasions you would buy something that was inferior to what you already owned. Thinking about it now Dungeon Siege 3 has lots of annoying little niggles that make the game pretty frustrating and when added together do seem quite bad that doesn't make it a bad game overall, just so badly flawed in parts that ended up making me give it a lower score.

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