Tuesday 23 April 2013

Halo 4 Actually Fun!

I haven't really ever been a fan of the Halo games, sure I have played most of them and I can appreciate why some gamer's really enjoy them it's just they aren't really my cup of tea. Well that has all changed after I recently giving Halo 4 a whirl, instead of getting a decidedly average shooter I ended up with a game that provides a really enjoyable experience. Maybe part of this has been because of my diminished gaming time that I have lately, or it could just be that I found the game at the right time to enjoy it.

Graphically I have to say the game looks great for the most part, although some sections don't seem as polished as others. It is definitely the most visually stunning of the series though, which really should come as little surprise. One thing I did have an issue with though was playing with surround sound headphones on, as for some reason on certain cut-scenes the music was really loud making the voices hard to hear. At this point I reset the console and checked all the settings on the 360 yet I still had the same problem besides tweaking both the surround sound system. Luckily there is an option to turn on subtitles, although half way through the long ass cut scene I got bored of reading them.

The game contains everything you would expect to see in a Halo game, apart from the Flood (or at least they haven't popped up yet as I am still only 3/4 of the way through the game) as well as including some new enemies to shoot at as well as some new weapons to play with. The Light Rifle being one of my favourites to use, although there are crap guns like the "Bolt Shot"  which I really don't like. I also don't see the point of the new pulse grenades as they don't really seem to do anything.

Hopefully the online mode's will be just as enjoyable as my experience of playing the campaign mode, although I am not looking forward to getting my ass handed to me repeatedly during my first few games online. I have to say I am also quite tempted to play Halo OSDT and Anniversary when I finally finish Halo 4 since they have been sat on my shelf for quite a while begging to be played. I never thought I would say it but Halo is actually fun! PEWPEW-WTFBBQOMG!

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