Monday 25 February 2008

Why Tetris Evolution Is The Suck

I woke up sunday morning and thought i would have a quick go on tetris evolution,something thats impossible with tetris i might add,so i put the disk in my 360 and away i went.
I blitzed through Marathon mode not problem at all and was having fun playing the game,unlocking all of the Tin,Bronze,Silver,Gold and Platinum Medal achievements for it in one swoop,along with the Back to Back and Back to Back and Back again,Ludicrous Speed,Rollin On Spinnas,Dirty South Style Back To Back and T-Spin Deluxe achievements.

I thought i was on a roll and unstoppable at the game so i finished my game of marathon and thought i would have a go at the Go Low mode.
So was i still on a roll?
You bet Unlocking the Bronze,Silver and Gold Medal achievements as well as the very annoying Went Low achievements with no trouble again.

So whats next Ultra Mode?
Sounds hard but ill give it ago i thought to myself,but again no problem at all Bronze,Silver and Gold Medals again with no problems,wow this is so simple,ill have the full points in no time.

Next up Cascade mode?
WTF is cascade mode? Ah well ill play it anyway,
Bronze,Silver,Gold Medals again and All about the Hamiltons Achievements no problem at all.
What about the Big Ol Cascade Achievement?
This is where my day started going bad,No matter what i could not get it and despite looking on you tube for how to do it,i was still none the wiser,after an hour of trying to get it i thought ill skip it and go back to it.

Next up Race mode,Again Bronze Silver and .......... yes i only got bronze and silver,i tried for over 2 hours for the Gold and ended up getting the A for Effort achievement where you have to play 100 games,i was actually getting really angry at a game,so angry i wanted to snap the disk.

So i decided to go get some food and go back to that mode at a later date,so i started Hotline mode,getting the Take it off the Top then the Bronze,Silver and Gold Medal achievements while wondering what the heck i was supposed to be doing in this mode,but couldn`t be bothered checking the instructions to find out.
Time dragged on and this mode seemed to last forever with the game being really slow paced and boring.

With this mode completed i thought right ill try one of my previous failures again and see if i can do it,i failed my 1st game then switched the 360 off as i could not bare to go throw it all again.

The game has beaten me and left me feeling empty after promising me what looked like some easy points,how i now despise you and your silly added on modes.

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