Monday 6 April 2009

Gears Is Fun?

Gears of War 2 is fun! There I said it and feel a bit dirty for doing so. Gears of War has never been my favourite multi player game, with it's retarded spawns, host advantage and numerous other problems. Yet playing it yesterday with Graf1k and Jerzey Devil (You went from Spartan to that? Come on John seriously?) I had a lot of fun. It could be that yesterday was the first day in ages I have actually had time to sit down and play a game, or it could be that it's because we played over 50 rounds of Horde.

You see with Horde mode you don't have to worry about who is the host or any other crap like that. You just get to play against bot's that get progressively harder as you clear wave after wave. There is no need to worry about host advantage as the only way you can die is through your own foolish mistakes, or on the odd occasion the enemies act like cheap bastards and spawn behind you.

Wrong game? Oh noees I thought it was Fenix! (Sad Face)
After playing Horde for a while a few more people got online (Docman and Rocket) so we decided to play some Ranked Multi player. (I couldn't believe it when I found out that Epic had done the right thing, and made me the ranked number one gamer in the world.) Playing multi player started to remind me why I hated playing Gears of War online, as I blasted one player 4 times from point blank range with my shotgun and he didn't die. This will always happen though up until Gears gets dedicated servers for the game, instead of supposedly picking the person who has the best connection. (A connection that on more than one occasion last night Graf1k referred to as "Lagtastic".)

Sure I am not the best Gears player in the world, but I am also not the worst either. (Which is pretty surprising even if I do say so myself.) I managed to finish in the top 3-4 on our team quite a few times, so I can't be all that bad really. Although these kills were normally quickly followed by my death, as I chainsawed one person while his two team mates were stood at the side of them. Needless to say I was shotgunned mid-slice as I tore them a new one.

This is the right game isn't it?
I don't know what is up with the bots either, they are near enough indestructible as they go around tearing people up. This can also give the other team an unfair advantage as the bot player could be far superior to the player they are replacing. Throw in the fact that they don't suffer from lag either, and it makes the games a bit unfair when five of you play against two people and three bots.

Despite all the flaws and the odd occasions where we got our assess kicked through unfair advantages, I actually enjoyed playing Gears 2. That isn't to say I will be playing the game religiously now, I may grab the game from my shelf for a quick blast every now and then. Which is something I wouldn't have thought about before.

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