Tuesday 1 May 2012

My (Reduced) Gaming Habits

It's a strange time for me in my life as a gamer, sure I am still playing quite often and snatching an hour or 2 here and there to game. Yet I tend to get bored quite a bit lately or will put a game in and then just leave it on the main menu and go and do something else; returning an hour or so after only to turn the system back off. Then add to this that my fiancee is heavily pregnant and I have to watch that she doesn't start to feel neglected by the amount of time I spend gaming when I get in from work, then balance that with spending time with my son at the weekend and it's surprising how much little time I have for my hobby that used to take up most of my day.

Yet still I recently purchased a new 360 despite there only being a few games on it that I wanted to play since most games these days are multi-format with the exception of a few system exclusives. The games I wanted a new 360 for where Gears and the Sega Saturn classic Guardian Heroes; other than these it was so that the 100+ xbox 360 games I already own were available for me to play when I felt like it. (Some of which I had purchased again since my last 360 died for the PS3 that I really enjoyed playing)

Since Friday I have spent about 5 hours re-downloading my purchases from xbox live to my new console and messing with my router; since the 360 decided to keep disconnecting from live every 20 minutes or so for some strange reason. Then there has been the time I spent downloading Guardian Heroes and the 3 minutes I spent playing it before realising I just really can't be arsed playing it at the moment. I have spent quite a bit of time on Gears 3 playing Horde mode with randoms that seem to enjoy playing for about 5-10 waves then quitting like little bitches, or playing with noobs that want you to help them up when they are downed yet ignore you when it's you that needs the favour returning. (Which is a pretty fucking dumbass move since its a team game)

I also popped Call of Duty 2 into my 360 and invited some of my xbox live buddies into an online game to take the piss as they were all playing Modern Warfare 3. Surprisingly enough they didn't join so I ended up playing against a random that was still playing the game online (after the 6 years or soof the game first coming out on the 360) and managed to beat him. I like to imagine that he is sat in a locked room in the middle of Alaska or somewhere eagerly awaiting another opponent that will play against him as it is the only game that he possesses; and that by joining and beating his ass (5 rounds to 1) I helped to brighten up his day.

So that is what I have been playing since Friday last week until last night, I still need to finish up Warriors Orochi 3 and grind out the last few bits before the baby gets here. Then there is still Final Fantasy XIII to finish and XIII-2 to start along with a host of other games. Oh and start to play Guardian Heroes since it was one of the main reasons why I bought the 360 in the first place in-between a bit more of Gears 3 campaign and Horde mode. Add to that all the other games that have been downloaded to my PS3 or 360 from the PSN or XBLA and the retail games I seem to purchase just to stack on my shelf means I have quite a bit of gaming to do.

So I guess the race is on to play as much as I can before my already shrinking gaming time diminishes even further with random feeding times, crying and shitty nappies taking over my already hectic household. Still I would take just a few hours of gaming a week and the life I have rather than return to how my life used to be. Lets face it my life is pretty sweet and I am more than happy with the way things are going, Plus I will always have time for gaming as my missus quite enjoys the peace and quiet of me playing something while she watches her soaps. :)

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