Friday 9 December 2011

Pissed Off Gaming: Modern Warfare 3

You can't beat playing a few rounds of Cock a doody online, it really is a solid shooter and can be a lot of fun to play. Yet with that being said it isn't without its problems that will really begin to piss you off from time to time. So I thought I would throw out a few things that piss me off when playing the game.

  1. When you are playing head quarters and your dumb fuck team mates decide to camp as far away from the objective as possible, rather than actually playing the game and help capture and defend the objective while working as a team.
  2. Whiny ass kids with a headset that just go on and on annoying the fuck out of everyone in the lobby or scream for no reason during the game when they get killed.
  3. Wankers with a headset that just play music through the headset that are fucking to stupid to realise that I don't want to listen to any music (never mind distorted shitty music) while playing the game, and if I did then I would actually turn on the stereo that I fucking own to play music I actually want to listen to.
  4. My missus asking me stuff or speaking to me when I am playing the game, which results in getting me killed just before I get a reward for getting a kill streak.
  5. Playing really well and getting a decent run on some games only to have to take a break to get something to eat or a drink, then returning only to find that you now suck for the next few games getting more deaths than kills.
  6. Shooting some fucker on the opposite team in the face first only to have them start shooting you and kill you when it should have been them waiting to respawn.
  7. Sad twats that quit when they are losing causing the game to pick a new host. (for some reason waiting 10-20 seconds to start playing again seems to take forever)
  8. Spawning only to be killed a split second later by a predator missile, strafe run or some random grenade that has been thrown.
  9. Death Streaks: there is nothing shitter than dying 3-4 times in a row without getting a kill, I feel like shit when the game basically tells me I suck and have earned one.
  10. People that camp for entire games, is it really that much fun to just sit in one place all the time? Look at my k/d ratio I am 100/1!! Well who gives a fuck you sad camping wankers!
Despite these slight annoyances though I find myself returning to the game frequently for a few rounds here and there although I can't bring myself to play the single player mode of the game.

Monday 5 December 2011

Impressions: Beat Hazard Ultra

I recently picked up Beat Hazard Ultra in the sale on the PSN network, (It was only £1.69 so I would have been crazy to have missed out) and I have to say that it is one of the most fun games I have played in a while. The easiest way to describe the game is like a modern day Asteroids only with music (Including any on your HDD) affecting the on screen gameplay which then causes your eyes to bleed due to the flashing lights.

Beat Hazard is one of those games that is great to just pick up and play when you fancy a break from your usual retail games. The sound is as amazing as you want it to be (due to yourself selecting what you want to listen to) the graphics really should be seen when everything starts flashing (So much so that this game shouldn't have the risk of epilepsy warning but guarantee a 90% chance of having one while playing) I really can't think of a bad thing to say about the game.

Beat Hazard features a host of upgrades that you unlock while playing, A range of modes from arcade to survival and a boss rush mode. This game will keep you entertained not just for the short term but also for quick blasts here and there, I know I will be returning to the game every so often if only to listen to music while blasting away some scum sucking aliens!