Monday 31 October 2011

Bargain Bucket Gaming: Red Faction Armageddon

The game that divided fans of the Red Faction series, personally I think it's a cracking game and really enjoyed it a lot more than the previous game. Some of the arguments are that it took a step back with not being a sand box style game, yet I feel that it had a great story and really enjoyed the experience. (So much so I played through the story 3 times in a row from normal to the insane difficulty level)

Another argument is that the online multi player was a let down, this is one thing I can't really comment on since I never played online in Guerilla. The online in Armageddon is basically just a copy of Horde from Gears of War, which really isn't to bad.....well until you start getting bored of playing it. The thing with the PS3 is that either nobody has a headset or if someone does you don't want to speak to them as they are an annoying prick that you just want to punch.

That being said though the Story mode is where the fun in this game is at, the story is well scripted and will entertain you enough. The levels are pretty varied and do offer enough variation so you don't tire of the game, and best of all upon completion of the game you get to unlock the best weapon in the game the amazing Mr Toots! (See video below)

With the game now being available for the low price of £10 for a new copy of the game, there really hasn't been a better time to pick up the game. Red Faction Armageddon will offer you an enjoyable experience that will fill brighten up any boring sunday afternoon. The bad thing about the game is the storyline is only about 6-7 hours long. (Although that does seem to be the average length of times these days so I don't know why people are moaning about it) One word of warning though, don't do like I did and then purchase the Path of War DLC as it sucks ass, it basically contains 2 vehicle levels (the one flying the ship sucks extra ass) and two other on foot levels, really it felt like these had been left out for being to shit to be included in the original storyline. Overall I have to give this game a

Impressions: Crysis on the PS3

Crysis is one PC game I always wanted to play and with me always owning a piece of shit PC that never runs anything I didn't think I would ever get the chance. That all changed thanks to EA releasing the game on the PS3 and I have to admit I quite enjoyed the experience although the game was pretty easy even on the hardest setting. (Apart from one part which took me a couple of attempts to get past)

The game weighs in at around 6-7 hours of game play, with pretty good graphics on the PS3 version (Although it still has some occasional bouts of not looking all that crisp on some sections of the game) The game puts you in the shoes of Lieutenant Jake Dune (Codenamed: Nomad) and sees you as part of a team travelling to North Korea to save some archaeologists who have been captured after making an important discovery. Shortly after that the shit hits the fan as not only are the Korean's trying to kill you but also gain the power of what has been discovered in the mountains by the archaeological team.

If that wasn't bad enough things get even worse when you learn that the discovery is an alien vessel, which along with the aliens on board come back to life. So now you have to do the one thing every shooter has you attempting to do, and that's blow the son of a bitches to pieces. The game as a whole is a quite enjoyable and will keep you entertained as you play through it. The only bad thing I can say is that there is no reason to play the game once finished (Unless you won't to grab that last trophy that you may have missed) The hardest difficulty isn't really that hard apart from in about 2 sections but even these you can get past after a couple of attempts.

Overall for the price (£15.99) you get a decent enough single player experience that you will enjoy. However that is all you get, no multi-player or re-playability, so with that in mind you may want to give Crysis a miss if that kind of thing bothers you. Personally though I think with some of the crap I have played that cost nearly 3 times as much as Crysis you are getting a good deal.

Monday 17 October 2011

Borderlands, Baby & Marriage

Well I have started gaming again and made myself a new account on the PS3, that is one of the main reasons why I haven't blogged in a while. A few of the other reasons are that me and my better half have been planning our wedding and just when we thought we had everything running smoothly we got a surprise to say the least. It turns out that we are now having a baby as well, so things just keep getting in the way of updating this blog.

Starting a new account on the PS3 is a bit of a double edged sword, I have now resigned myself to losing all the progress I made in Demon Souls, Final Fantasy XIII and a host of other games I have invested time in. Yet I get to play some of the games I have really enjoyed in the past again, and having a new tag makes me able to get trophies in these games. (Yes I know trophies are shit but if it makes sure that I complete Ratchet & Clank once again they are worth it)

So the big question is in-between planning the wedding, going to baby scans and getting stuff ready for both events just what games should I replay and what new games should I purchase. Well after thinking about it I really want to give Borderlands a proper go, it is one game that I really enjoyed in the past but stopped playing for some unknown reason. This time I have decided to commit to the game and have ordered the GOTY edition even though I already own a copy of the original version of the game. Hopefully this will spur me on and if I enjoy it I then have the four DLC additions available to play as well. (As well as this I can now play co-op with my son which also doubles as quality family time if I give him the other copy of the game lol)

So that's about it for this update, hopefully I will find time to update this blog again soon, till next time adiĆ³s and thanks for dropping by. :)