Tuesday 31 May 2011

Initial Impressions: Trials HD

Well I thought I would finally give Trials HD a whirl after hearing how good it was from some of my buddies a while ago. I was expecting something along the lines of "Joe Danger" except with a more realistic look. I have to say though that I was left a bit disappointed. I will admit that I only tried the first 4-5 levels of the game so it could be a case of just needing to spend a bit more time with the game to see it at its best.

With that being said though sometimes you only need to spend 5 minu
tes playing to know if your going to like a game; and if that's the case then Trials HD is something that I feel is cold and lacking soul. If you have the choice of playing either Joe Danger or Trials HD then it has to Joe Danger every time. It is a shame though as I really wanted to like Trials HD as it does kind of remind me of the old Spectrum game Kick Start. (And the much improved sequel Kick Start 2) Yet it feels like a step backwards in time and not in a good way.

Trials HD is a simple game that wouldn't be out of place on a compilation with any of the games you used to play back in the day and enjoyed. You know the type I mean, the ones that were fun once but if you played them today you would think "Wow this game is so crap, how the heck did I used to enjoy this shit!" Trails HD is a Marmite game, (You either like it or you don't) and for me this is one game I wish I didn't bother playing, whether that will change when I next try it will be another matter, but for now I have to say I doubt it.