Tuesday 13 May 2008

We Did It, We Won The Cup!

Well the GamerScore League final happened this last weekend and we won. The final was pretty cool with some big scoring going on, with our team winning 21110 to 17150. The best thing was though that not only did my buddy Spartan break 100K on Thursday, but i also broke the mark on Sunday. Am i the first site admin to do it from all the sites out there? That could be true.

Overall my team worked as a pretty good unit and knew that we could count on each other to score when needed. Crash and Giraffe one k were beasts averaging 2,000 points a week in the normal season. Then in the play offs crash weighed in with another 4,000 points, while Girafee decided to play GTA 4 instead.
(Yes he was having fun while i was playing some random crap game, how i hated him)

The finals saw Giraffe and Crash both score over 6,300 points each. Thats pretty good for just 4 days gaming, or it would be if they both played on Saturday instead of leaving it to me. I think we all knew that we had it in the bag though and failing 4 RROD there was nothing going to stop us from winning, especially after the amount of work Crash had done in the weeks prior checking what games all 4 playoffs teams had available, and then editing it so that it displayed just ours and team 400,146.
If your intrested you can take a look at it here.

So what did we win?
Well we won the Cup! Isnt she a beauty.

We also won a 360 game each, with Crash also winning the Most Improved Award and bagging himself some microsoft points.

Overall though i was lucky to be part of this team, and would like to thank Spartan, Crash and Giraffe One K for asking me to join and be a part of it. We had quite a bit of fun over the last 2 months, theres not been a dull moment really with Giraffe telling me to score some points each week, and some very witty comments as we chatted while playing games. Including Giraffe saying how hes going to kill this developer or that developer for making a shitty game. So far on his to do list he has about 6 murders to commit, So i guess with the league season now over he will switch his efforts to that. So if you made Fifa:RTWC, Call OF Doody 2 or any other game he struggled with watch out.

Crash did not swear at all during the league, the best we could get out of him was a few dang its, hopefully soon we can get him to say shit or boobies at least.

Spartans mic must be broken as he still isnt speaking, hopefully that will change soon and we can all get back together to laugh how bad i am at Gears Of War or some other game.

Disclaimer: Giraffe one k maybe a lot of things, but he probably wont come and kill you while you sleep,so dont worry about that happening. If your awake however watch out.

You can read the write up on the final here
Also Spartans interview on breaking the 100K mark can be found here.

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