Wednesday 10 July 2013

Why the heck didn't I play this sooner? Assassins Creed 2

So the other day while bored I decided to have a look at what games I have on my shelf that I still haven't gotten around to playing. (Far to many for my liking; especially when I picked some up on release that are now bargain bin regulars) I then stumbled across Assassins Creed 2, or should I say Assassins Creed 2, Brotherhood and 3. All 3 games had been bought as gifts and just sat sealed on my games shelf gathering dust as I had no inkling to play them after trying to collect all the flags in the first game.

I thought I may as well give Assassins Creed 2 a go just to see if things had changed much from the first game; I don't know if it's because I am bored of playing the same fps's over and over again or if the game is just a quality title. One thing I do know though is that I am really enjoying the experience, although I am determined not to collect all the feathers in this game. One of the reasons for this is with my gaming time now being limited I just want to play as many games as I can for fun rather than spend hours on end collection things for a trophy that like achievements doesn't mean shit to me.

I have to say that it's a combination of things that make Assassins Creed 2 so enjoyable to play; one part being the tomb raider-esque levels that see you working out how to get to a specific area. (Although there aren't to many of these in the game) Overall though I am finding that the game still looks pretty good after all these years and the controls, sound and gameplay all add up to one enjoyable experience. I don't know if I will play one of the next game's in the series straight after completing AC2 but I am now more inclined to play them in the very near future.