Wednesday 4 June 2008

The Dark side of gaming

You can't beat the feeling of unwrapping that brand new game and placing it in your 360, watching the intro and soaking it all in before jumping into the single player story. Sometimes to be enthralled, yet other times only to be disappointed in the shallow excuse for the game.
So what can you do next to get your full moneys worth out of the game? Multi-player over Xbox LIVE of course, playing games with gamers just like you. You know the kind of people that I'm talking about. Ones that enjoy a bit of friendly competition and banter as they try to win with their team mates and friends on such games as Gears Of War, Call Of Duty or Halo.

What can be better than this? Surely it should be the most enjoyable experience and in usual cases it is or should I say "it was". No longer do you hear someone say good luck before a game, or good game afterwards. Oh no, as gamers we have all evolved while online gaming may still be somewhat in its infancy it appears gamers have grown up and are now in their spotty little rebellious teenage state.

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a bit of friendly banter before and after a game with shouts of "you guys got owned" and other such things in the lobby. Heck, I'm not to bad at shit talking myself at times and with LIVE now having over 2 million members of all ages and sexes things can only get better as gaming gets more mainstream, cant they? No, for all the good things that gaming is doing to get recognised a minority of gamers are dragging it down and giving more and more ammunition to the haters out there like Fox News and Jack Thompson.

While playing Call of Duty 4 the other night with a bunch of site members we were regaled with such trash talking as "Get Fucking Raped Niggers", "Wow you faggots are gonna get fucked up" along with a few other things. I don't claim to be Mr Squeaky Clean though as I'm sorry to admit I myself have used some of those words myself over LIVE in response or just to get in there before some other asshole gamer that isn't me uses them. The thing is though this kind of thing has fuck all to do with gaming and just ruins the experience for many people that don't want to hear that shit.

Do you gamers actually realise what the fuck your actually saying? Rape is fucking horrible and something nobody should have to suffer. Racism has no place in gaming, the same goes for sexual orientation comments. In the end they're all labeled as hate crimes against your fellow man.

Would you say it in the street? Go on; go outside and say to a complete stranger in the street what you would say on LIVE, see what happens if you have the balls to do so.

Still here? I thought so.

So what is gaming? Well according to the dictionary its (n) The act of playing a video, Internet or computer game.

Something that we all do for fun. Yes its entertainment. So when did entertainment make so many people turn into pricks trying to act tough behind their mics? What is really great, is half the people that say this shit are around 14 years old, for one they are clearly immature and two shouldn't even be playing games rated unsuitable for them. These are the normal idiots you see posting saying "Jack Thompson is a cunt and he should die". Yes Jack Thompson is an ass and has gone about some things the wrong way but at the same time its to stop uncontrollable little bastards like you that your parents don't give two fucks about playing games that have been classified as unsuitable for you or what you do as long as your out of their way. The other half are just inbred morons that need a lobotomy.

Gaming will never be truly accepted till we as gamers start acting like human beings instead of scum, what's the fucking point in companies trying to push the whole gaming genre forward and get it recognised for what it is, if its only going to get spoiled by gamers for you and me?

How about we try to get back to the days where people could play a game without having to mute 10 people in a room to enjoy speaking to one or two people and having a laugh while they play. Gaming is evolving, Maybe its about time that we all did the fucking same and stopped acting like spoilt little brats and big men behind mics and got back to the core purpose of gaming; having fun.